Join the sailing club... 

... and renewing your membership

Membership Fee - £160 per year or less

NLSA sets out to provide low-cost and easy-to-access sailing for everyone to enjoy. The club aims to keep the costs as low as possible, which means it is run by volunteers, allowing us to keep the annual membership to a minimum.  


ADULTS - Criteria for Full Membership 

Adult members must have either of the following to be able to join NLSA;


YOUTHS - Criteria for Full Membership 

Youth members must be aged between 8 to 17.  

Youth members who want to sail independently must be at least 12 years old.  They will be required to demonstrate their competence in being able to rig, launch and sail solo and meet the following criteria;


The close family from the same household of qualified adult members, both adults and children, can also join even if unqualified themselves, but if unqualified, must only sail with the qualified adult family member. 

How to join?

BEGINNERS - What if I don't have any sailing experience?

NLSA at the West Reservoir is not an RYA Training Centre so if you don't have a qualification or dinghy-sailing experience, contact either the West Reservoir Centre for details of their RYA courses or contact the RYA for information about other training centres.

ASSESSMENTS - Sailing competence

If you have significant previous dinghy-sailing experience but no official certification such as an RYA Level 2 or a Youth Stage 3 certificate or equivalent, NLSA offers assessments by an experienced NLSA sailing instructor.

If you already hold an RYA Level 2 or a Youth Stage 3 certificate or equivalent, an assessment is not necessary and an application for membership can be made immediately without the need for an assessment.

During an assessment, the instructor will ask the sailor to demonstrate sailing skills up to RYA Level 2.  The exact content of the assessment may vary, but most commonly the sailor will have to rig and launch their dinghy, sail a triangular course successfully and return safely to the pontoon. 

Successful assessment will permit the sailor to join the club and participate in all club activities. However, the assessment is not a replacement for RYA certification and therefore is not recognised at any other club. 

The fee for an assessment is £20 for those aged 18 or more, or £10 for those under 18, but for those joining NLSA after a successful assessment, their first subscription payment will be reduced by 50% of the assessment fee they had previously paid.

If you have any equivalent qualifications, or have any questions regarding your experience then please contact our NLSA Membership Secretary, Mary Leaming

FEES - Annual Subscriptions

The subscription year runs from 1 April to 31 March.  Subscriptions for new members run until 31 March of the following year.  Reduced rates for new members based on the date of first joining

 Full Membership (See above for fee)


We offer 50% concessionary membership discounts to adults who meet the following requirements:

Please contact Mary Leaming, NLSA Membership Secretary at to supply proof of eligibility or for more information. 

Family Memberships

For close family members from the same household, only one adult qualified member pays the full annual subscription. All other close family members from the same household pay 50% of the relevant full subscription.