West Reservoir Development Plans

Building work and centre redevelopment will be happening at the centre from June until the end of spring 2025 so some disruptions may be experienced.  The main changes affecting us are that new pontoons and ramps will be added to the sailing area.  The boat workshop will moved from the current entrance to the other end of the building close to where the Lazers are stored.  For more information visit

Brightlingsea Boat Maintenance Weekend - Apr 2024

All the boats at Brightlingsea need a bit of love from time to time. And the sea is a harsh mistress. So, a couple of weekends a year are dedicated to boat maintenance. "Boat Maintenance Weekend" sounds deceptively simple, but there’s a wide variety of tasks to do. 

April saw the checking over of our boats to spot any issues that have come up over the year that need addressing. Decks need repainting, rudders and centerboards revarnishing, rigging checked, lines mended, and patches repaired. 

Emergency repairs at Brightlingsea - Feb 2024

Brightlingsea Coastal Sailing Centre faced an urgent challenge when portions of the tower cladding, exposed to harsh winter conditions, began to deteriorate. 

Upon inspection, it was evident that the existing plastic cladding, installed during the building's refurbishment three decades ago, had suffered significant wear and tear. With the risk of water penetration looming, immediate action was imperative.  The repairs have now been successfully carried out.

RYA Level 5 'Day Sailing' course - Sept 2023

Six intrepid sailors completed at passed their RYA Level 5 'Day Sailing' course, successfully planning a sailing trip and plotting a course to steer using nautical charts, weather forecasts, local knowledge to safely sail and navigate the waters in Brightlingsea, buoys and considering the challenges the winds might present.  It was a fun and inspiring weekend that challenged the crew and developed their skills and experience on open tidal waters. 

End of summer BBQ - Sept 2023

It was quite a turnout for the second BBQ this year, with 40+ members hanging out for a few hours by the water.  The sun put on a good show and so did Julian with his tongs and the feast he prepared for everyone. 

Events like this make a difference to the club culture, so if you have an idea for another social event, we would love to hear your thoughts and help you make it happen - chat with one of the committee members who will be happy to help.

Pyefleet racing - Aug 2023

NLSA entered three two-man wayfarers for the racing regatta at Brightlingsea. Saturday, in conditions where you might consider staying on shore, we were supposed to be familiarising ourselves with the courses and conditions. Talk about herding cats! Fully reefed, our boat managed a capsize, now how did that happen? 

Sunday, conditions were not much different, but we did race! Did I mention losing a rudder and practising a bit of rudderless sailing while it was restored? Like I said, a great deal of fun in the wind and waves. Can't wait for the next one!

Purchase of new sails

We have acquired three Laser Radial Sails for use at West Reservoir.  This means we now have a wider offering of sails that allows for a more accurate match to wind strength and body size.  These are mid-sized sails and are 5.76 m2 and made from Dacron with a recommended weight of 55 – 70kg.  

NLSA NEWSLETTERS - Previous Editions

For all the latest news and goings on around the club!